
To successfully address any business problem or challenge you have to know what the reality is in the first place.

Our Discovery Days, Engagement Barometer and a range of other established research and diagnostic techniques (including skilful listening and questioning), enable us to get right to the heart of most situations.

Look through our Brand Condition guide to self-diagnose what condition you think your brand is currently in.

Brand Condition

Controlling your brand is harder than you might think – because the true reality lies in the hearts and minds of other people; including your customers, employees, competitors, suppliers, shareholders and the media.

That’s why it’s so important to manage your brand; to continually work to influence what people think and feel about it. You may have more brands than you think: there’s your business; your products and services; and all of your people, at all levels. Everything about your business is a manifestation of your brand in one way or another.

You may find it helpful to step back and think about what condition your brand is in. Drawing on our experience, we’ve identified some typical ‘brand conditions’. Scroll through the list, and tick any that you feel match your brand or your business. You can tick more than one. You might be a combination. Why not give us a call for an informal chat - we can help with most brand conditions.

Rapid Growth

Your board/investors are planning for fast growth and then exit – and want to know how the brand can be leveraged to deliver the best value. (Applicable to a start-up, take-over, merger or MBO.)

In the shop window

You are planning your exit strategy and positioning the business for sale. You know any potential buyer will be interested in a strong management tier with limited reliance on you. You also know your value will increase with a stronger brand.

New Markets

Things are going well in a certain sector or country, but it's time to branch out – perhaps extending your territory or target demographics, or extending your products and services.

Unintended Stealth

Your existing business is trucking along, but market penetration and awareness are low. You’ve never really invested in your brand, and you’ve realised it’s time you did.


You manage a strong brand overseas – but you know you’re going to need specialist help adapting it for a British, European or generally Western market.


A once much-loved brand, previously dead but now dusted off again. How should it relate to today’s market? Should you go back to the old values, or give the brand a modern spin?


Something big and bad has happened: maybe a PR disaster, or the loss of a product or person. You need help to pick yourselves up and connect with your market in a new way.


You’ve had a great idea, written your business plan and sourced your funding. But what next? Have you simply got a product, with no brand strategy? What about a marketing plan?


Some clients have you in mind for products or services that aren’t your core offer. How do you change those perceptions?

Submit your Brand Condition

So, you’ve found your brand condition, what can be done about it? Quite a lot actually! We’ve helped other businesses move forward and change.

To submit your brand conditions, please enter your email address below and we’ll be in touch to start the conversation.